
Our Goal

About Smartwitz

To make life easy is our TOP PRIORITY

SmartWitz Solutions was established with the view and dedication to achieve seamless integration of technology with day to day living in every home and enterprise, creating a lifestyle totally unique to each individual and family. We take the latest technologies, untangle the complexity, and embed them straight into your home or business. Whether for entertainment, automation, energy management, or security, we do more than provide technological solutions, we enhance lifestyles.


Our team are integrated technology specialists. They have extensive expertise in the implementation of home technologies. This allows us to carry out work to the highest standards of efficiency and attention to detail. We'll ensure your project is completed properly, on time, and within budget. We are here to offer you the best customized and elegant solution packages for residential and commercial projects when it comes to Automation.

Smartwitz Home automation Solution also plays an important role in terms of securing your home. We provide you with the latest technology to monitor your home remotely. We enable you to take control of your home anytime and from anywhere.

For Commercial projects, we provide you with the best security systems like sensors and alarms. We provide you with a range of products that will notify you if there is any kind of intrusion. We also provide you with Automated curtains/Drapes and blinds and programmable lights.

General FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

SmartWitz syncs with your physical switchboard, your manual switches and regulators will work the same way as they used to. Switches of all brands (including two-way switches) are compatible with the Light Fan module .

Yes, any type of fan regulator is fully compatible with Smartwitz. You can use the existing regulator to set speed and also control fan speed from the Smartwitz App itself.

SmartWitz App and products are completely modular, you can add more SmartWitz modules in the App as when you buy them. You can add unlimited number of modules in one home.

This will depend on the number of appliances you need to automate. Go through the products section to understand how many appliances each product can automate.